Over the past 24 years, more than 154,000 children born to Romanian parents were registered in Germany, according to...
“Sleeping Dogs,” a movie starring Oscar-winner Russell Crowe based on a book by Romanian author Eugen Ovidiu Chirovici...
Romanian-born Canadian Şerban Ghenea won another Grammy Award this past weekend as a sound engineer/mixer for Taylor...
The jury of the International Classical Music Awards (ICMA) announced the winners of 26 awards for the 2024 edition, and...
Romanians form the largest minority coming from a European Union (EU) member state in Germany, according to data...
A couple of days ago, the results for the PISA 2022 tests were published, bringing along new data on how the COVID-19
In an era of global mobility, families are increasingly finding themselves navigating international waters, embracing
Most Americans know little of Romania and especially about the country’s evolution in the last 30 years. To fill this
A Yearly Event Dedicated to the Strong US-Romanian Ties and Exceptional Contributions
The Alianţa Gala, the most
Via Transilvanica, the long-distance trail crossing Romania, talks about the country in a way no other project has done
“Sleeping Dogs,” a movie starring Oscar-winner Russell Crowe based on a book by Romanian author Eugen Ovidiu Chirovici...
Romanian-born Canadian Şerban Ghenea won another Grammy Award this past weekend as a sound engineer/mixer for Taylor...
The jury of the International Classical Music Awards (ICMA) announced the winners of 26 awards for the 2024 edition, and...
Romanians form the largest minority coming from a European Union (EU) member state in Germany, according to data...
A couple of days ago, the results for the PISA 2022 tests were published, bringing along new data on how the COVID-19
In an era of global mobility, families are increasingly finding themselves navigating international waters, embracing
Most Americans know little of Romania and especially about the country’s evolution in the last 30 years. To fill this
A Yearly Event Dedicated to the Strong US-Romanian Ties and Exceptional Contributions
The Alianţa Gala, the most