The French Film Festival, the yearly event dedicated to showcasing French cinema, is to take place between June 1 and...
The management of Iasi Airport completed on Tuesday, April 19, the procurement procedure for the construction of a new...
Two documentaries focused on King Michael I, Romania's last monarch, and one on Queen Marie will be screened in cities...
The 65th edition of the annual international exhibition World Press Photo can be visited this year between May and...
Romanian private airline Blue Air announced on Wednesday, April 13, that it would operate flights to 11 new destinations...
The French Film Festival, the yearly event dedicated to showcasing French cinema, is to take place between June 1 and...
The management of Iasi Airport completed on Tuesday, April 19, the procurement procedure for the construction of a new...
Two documentaries focused on King Michael I, Romania's last monarch, and one on Queen Marie will be screened in cities...
The 65th edition of the annual international exhibition World Press Photo can be visited this year between May and...
Romanian private airline Blue Air announced on Wednesday, April 13, that it would operate flights to 11 new destinations...